I am living through a record breaking heatwave (6 days above 38c) so it's strictly indoor activity at present. I did waste a few hours uploading the gerbers for the boards shown below to a PCBA bureau. Turns out that with another day or so on my part I could consolidate both boards and by adjusting the components get 5 populated boards delivered for around $20 each (say USD14). All that would be left is a few through hole components. The op-amps were changed to the surface mount version. Tempting? Or is it the heat getting to me?
73's Richard
This is part of a longer term project to build a complete transceiver. Initial testing of the receiver boards shows demodulation and opposite sideband rejection are taking place. I look forward to mounting these boards on a chassis together with the audio amplifier / AGC / squelch board and synthesizer board for further testing and evaluation.