
Tuesday 11 June 2024

Li Ion Pulse Charging - Proof of Concept Test Part 6

I changed the software to try and reduce the reported capacity variation due to the variation in cell voltage after resting. 

After resting for 60 secs I started the pulse charging cycle again. Once the termination threshold is again reached rest for 10 secs then start the discharge test. That has seen a significant reduction in the standard deviation of the reported capacity for each run. It's only reduced the impact of the starting voltage when discharging begins. 


I'm surprised that these two severely abused batteries show no signs of declining capacity after some 400 partial discharge cycles. I'm going keep them on the pulse charger until that happens. I will refine(?) the charging algorithm again to keep them on the pulse charge cycle until the voltage stays above 4.0V for 5 seconds while resting. How long the modified algorithm takes me to do is unknown since tonight when I attempted this the workshop PC malfunctioned. I suspect the power supply :(

I'm started assembling the better hardware. Soon I will be putting some brand new cells through the testing process with control cells and CC/CV charging versus pulse charging.

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