
Monday 13 May 2024

Li Ion Pulse Charging - Proof of Concept Test Part 2

I wrote in the earlier post that I had again "ruined" another cell by discharging it below 2V. Given the weak basis from the first cell showing signs of recovery after 10 charge/discharge cycles I put the second cell on the pulse charger and left it alone. A day later I downloaded and analysed the 14 cycles that had been logged. 

The first 11 cycles showed deteriorating cell capacity:

Note that the previous post referred to Battery F also. It was a typo and should have battery E.

But when I looked closely I noticed that Runs12-14 again showed an increase in cell capacity:

I make no claims to what this means. But it is curious that for two over-discharged cells, some restoration process occurred. Perhaps it would have occurred with a CC/CV charger also.

Of course I didn't expect this and now have the pulse charger testing a third cell. I will have to revisit what happens to these two cells at a later date. Two more pulse chargers are in the process of being put together.

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